Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Is swine flu a reason to discriminate?

In April 18, 2009 all the news were talking about "swine flu" in México. Everyone around the world panicked, and are now scared of "Mexicans" are discriminated against. Also those that have visited México. Their are a lot of questions of the swine flu, some people are even ignorant. Mexicans are not welcome in other countries around the world and are kicked out of the countries. How did this flu changed the life of the Mexicans in other countries and in their every day life? I would say a lot and many different ways. Mexicans even feel bad because of the swine flu. What is the swine flu?
Doctors have defined Swine Influenza (swine flu) as a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza virus that regularly causes outbreaks of influenza in pigs. Swine flu viruses cause high levels of illness and low death rates in pigs. Its also known as CDC H1N1 Flu. Everyone around the world panicked because according to the news this flu was mortal. The Swine flu was found in Mexico city, and now Mexicans are being discriminated against. In some countries Mexicans are even kicked out. According to the news Mexicans are al Qaeda’s target to terrorism. People that discriminate against Mexicans are ignorant because they think Mexicans are going to transmit this swin flu. How did the swine flu changed Mexicans and the whole world every day life?
Mexico paralyze, in order to stop this flu to transmit to others. This swine flu changed Mexico because Mexicans are now more cautious. Everyone in Mexico are to wear cover mouths, carry hand sanitizer and are not to greet others by kiss or to shake hands. Schools in México where closed also restaurants. The swine flu was nominated as an epidemic. The whole world decided to cancel all flights to and from México. Everyone are being cautious to be around anyone that is sick. The whole world panicked and took this against Mexicans. In California a Mexican women was fired just for sneezing. A Mexican soccer team player during a game was called a pig. Chivas a Mexican soccer team was booed in a game. Today if a person sneezes everyone walks away at least 5 feet. This flu changed the whole world dramatically. Should this Epidemic be a reason to discriminate against Mexicans?
I think its a not a reason to discriminate Mexicans because Mexicans do not have fault of this flu. Mexicans are normal people that try to live day by day, work to eat fight to live and should be respected. President Obama visited Mexico why wasn't he discriminated against? Obama after coming back to the U.S. and took a health test, the results were negative. In conclusion Mexicans are discriminated because the swine flu started in Mexico and because some people are ignorant.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Torture is not affective!!!

The Washington Post reports: Persons being held in the CIA interrogation center at Bagram air base who refuse to cooperate, "are sometimes kept standing or kneeling for hours in black hoods or spray-painted goggles, according to intelligence specialists familiar with CIA interrogation methods. At times they are held in awkward, painful positions and deprived of sleep with a 24-hour bombardment of lights- subject to what are known as 'stress and duress' techniques." This according to Have you ever stop to think that "intense interrogation techniques" are not effective or necessary for the United States? In my opinion every suspect that has commited a crime should be punished, but intese interrogation techniques are not effective. After the tragic disaster of 9/11, some people in the CIA decided to torture all al Qaeda people that tried to attempt terrorism in the United States. After couple years later George .W. Bush decided to investigate those from the CIA. The tourtures were not effective because those that were torture did not say the real names of those that are planing a terrorism against the United States.
If a criminal is about to be torture to say the truth obviously they are going to say anything to get of the torture. I am against torture because what other torture can their be than the one to stay in jail for the rest of a perons life. I also think torture should not be used in the United States. All crimials are actually torture being alive with the conceous of had killed alot of people. All those tools are not useful, their are many other things that students, and poor people need than to be spending money in torture tools. "We are land of the free" this is a quote that is used in United States, is it really true? if this true why is the CIA using torture. Well, people that have broken the law have to be punish.
In conclusion, intense intorigation techniques is not an effective way to take out truth from someone. There are other important things, like a way to stop terrorism, students that are in bad steps and criminals that are out of prison. The United State is "land of the free" than it should be equal and not to kill or torture anyone. There is no other tourture then to be an entire life in prison and with fault.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Discrimination in schools

Have you heard the phrase " Children imitate what adults do."? You might be thinking what does this phrase have to do with the topic, well it does have to do alot. Parents are like teachers to their children. Every children wants to be just like their parents. If a parent discriminates they will as well because children think its good since parents do it why wont they. Their are alot of cases of discriminations in elementary schools and more in Jr high and of course high schools. These cases are sometimes tragic and most of the time are lamented. In most commen cases a riot takes place, just because parents never tought their teens not to discriminate.
The definition of "riot" a noisy, violent public disorder caused by a group or crowd of persons. The cause of this is because of diffrences of cultures, color of skin, diffrences of gangs, religion and many other reasons. Riots have a long history and started with politics. Apparently, it seem that teens have been influenced by grown ups. Is it hate actions or discrimintion against? Bottles, rocks and fists flew during lunchtime Friday at Fontana High School. Students poured out of classrooms when they said a fire alarm rang around noon. They then saw what they described as a racial or gang-related riot erupting among about 500 students on the quad of the campus near Citrus Avenue. This according to In my point of view its discrimination, because when a conflicts start between two people that are diffrent the other teens will fight with people that are diffrent from them. For example if an african-american and a hispanic start a fight all african-americans and hispanics will start a riot. My friend was in high school and was coming out of class and she saw alot of people fighting "it was all fast and I was scared because one african american teen came close to me but my freind stood in front of me so my friend got hit" My freind expirience a riot. She is not a discriminator but was going to be hit just because she is hispanic. How can elemantary children discriminate? In many ways for example if a child sees that one of their classmate is obese the child may make fun of, or bully the obese classmate.
Children do not discriminate against just because, children discriminate because they thimk is funny. Parents have not tought them that this acction hurts others feelings. In conclusion, children do not have fault for discriminating against, parents should teach their children not to look at the diffrences of other people(raice, culture, language, etc.). If parents do not teach their children against discrimination. This way alot riots can be stopped. Children are smart and grown ups are rolemodels.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Women Discrimination!!!

Being a woman in the years of 1715’s was not easy. A woman was to clean, cock, feed and all that had to do with house cleaning but never to have the same rights as a man. Thanks to brave women, today women have the same rights as men, but some men, women should not come out of their house and have to be cleaning! March is women history month; my blog today will be about women that are discriminated. I will talk a little bit about women’s history before we got equal rights as men, I will also talk about some experiences and my point of view. Hilary Clinton made history in the U.S. because she was the first woman to run as democrat in 2008.
Much more women made history, for example let’s go back to the 1920’s Carrie Lane Chapman Catt. Carrie Lane Chapman Catt was the women that fought for the nineteenth amendment to pass. This amendment passed on August 26, 1920. Another women that made history was Elizabeth Cady Stanton, this woman wrote and read the Declaration of sentiments, which was modeled on the Declaration of Independence. Many more women made history for fighting for their rights. Some women are being discriminated but do not talk, because they are scared not to be heard. In my experience I have seen women that are discriminated at the streets, work and their own houses. In Mexico, women that are discriminated is a really commen, women are even beaten to the point of being killed. In one of my experiences I had a friend that was discriminated by her own father and after by her own husband. She was always to be in her house, cleaning never to go to parties, not even to go to the store if she needed something not even to have any friends. All she did was bow her face to her father, when she got married it was no difference because her father picked a husband for her. She was unhappy but never spoke to authorities, only to me because we would see each other when her father or husband were gone I told her all her rights, I also told her about all the women that had made history, but she didn’t listen to me. Until one day, she was beaten to the point that she was about to die. I helped her to report her husband and father to the authorities. All women have the right to vote, work and to be treated equally as a man. All women that are discriminated should talk and never be quiet. Break the silence and stop discrimination. Other women have done it, why shouldn’t you break it!!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Same sex discrimination!!

Should a gay couple have the same rights as a normal couple? This question has become controversial, proposition 8 talks about not letting gay couples to get marry the same way as normal couple . Gay couples feel discriminated with this prop. Is being gay a crime or a sin? Well according to some religions “God invented man and women to get marry not man and man or women and women, same sex couples are influenced by the devil.” Discriminators look at same sex couples with disgust, different and bad persons. Discriminators also support proposition 8, and think that same sex couples should not have no rights because they are a bad influence to children. Same sex couples are discriminated in different ways.
Same sex couples are discriminated verbally, the discriminators bully same sex couples by offending them with bad words and calling them names. This type of discrimination hurts the couple mentally and decreases their self -esteem. Another way that same sex couple is discriminated is physically by hitting them or even killing them. This is a crime that is most common. Are gay couples different from normal couples? Gay couples are humans too they are not a type of alien, they do the same things as a human what differs them is their sexual orientation. In my experience, family and friends have different sexual orientation than me. They are happy with their couples and do not feel different from the others. Many people have their own sexual preferences and should respect others sexual preferences. Gay couples should have same rights as different sex couples. Report if you are being discriminated!!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Tragedy after discrimination

Have you ever wonder how people that are discriminated feel? Well I am sure that a person that is treated differently from the rest does not feel happy or excited! Today my blog will be about a story of a family that was discriminated, feelings, what happens with the persons self -esteem and my opinion. I am sure that everyone heard about the tragedy that took place in Wilmington on January 27, 2009. A Ervin Lupoe killed his wife, kids (8-year-old daughter and two sets of twins 5-year-old girls and 2-year-old boys) and committed suicide. His family looked like victims of a psycho person. Many neighbors of the family said that they had a lot of problems and a lot of stress. Ervin Lupoe and his wife worked at Kaiser Permanente Hospital in West Los Angeles and had lost their job couple of days before the tragedy, according to a conflict that has been mentioned but in the mans letter says that Ervin Lupoe had felt discriminated. The Ervin Lupoe wrote a letter and in this letter he wrote that was told by the administrator `You should not even had bothered to come to work today you should have blown your brains out.’ (If you want to now more about thefamily click here.)Many news reporters tried to get declarations from Kaiser Permanente Hospital but all they did was write a letter showing how sad they were and never mention about what the administrator said. Ervin Lupoe was depressed because this comment is traumatic. Discriminators make these types of comments or worse to make the person feel less than what they are and this way decreasing their self -esteem. Victims like Mr. Loupe feel depress, and that they don’t belong in this world. Mrs. Loupe was depressed to and they both decided that Mr. Loupe would kill her and her children. These decision was taken because Mr. and Mrs. Loupe did not wanted to leave their children with strangers. Like the Loupe’s story are many more and worst. In my opinion the Administrator had no right to make that horrifying comment and should thought about Mr. Loupe’s children that had no fault of their parents problems. The administrator had no right even though the couple had committed a crime. We are no one to judge, discriminate, or hate, God is the only one who can judge. Do not discriminate!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Discrimination between love

February is a month for all those who are in love. Today my blog will be about discrimination between love and the consequences of discrimination. A movie named” Amarte duele” (Loving you hurts) is a movie that talks about discrimination (click here to see a short resume of this movie). In this case are differences of classes (high- rich, middle- kind of rich, low- poor). In Mexico City there is a word that is offensive for poor people which is naco (A naco is usually associated with lower socio-economic classes. This according to naco is used in the movie “Amarte duele.” Naco is usually used to lower a person’s self-esteem. In this movie the consequence of discrimination is death. In many other cases running away, succeeding, killing others and becoming addicted is a way out of discrimination. These can be consequences of discrimination. “He is not good for you, look how he dresses; he is poor that way he won’t even be able to buy your own house, I want something better for you.” These are the words of parents that say that they want a better future for their child, but don’t see that what they are saying is called discrimination. That is the case of my cousin Jairo; he has a girlfriend which is my cousin on my father’s side and he is discriminated by her parents because of the way Jairo dresses. My cousin’s have to see each other in secret. Love is an important thing in our everyday life, if a human does not feel loved the best way of finding love is addictions or death. A good example is building a pyramid with shelter, food, clothing and health but love. If something in the pyramid is missing there is a big probability the pyramid will fall which symbolizes self-esteem. I am not a parent but I am a teenager who sees others experiences and sadness. Parents should let their teenagers choose who they love not who is in a high class in order to have a good future or best dressed of course if their teenager’s love is respectful, clean and not obsessive. When a parent deprives their teenager’s freedom of loving to choose who is best for them the consequences may be fatal. Love and let others love and do not discriminate!!!