Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Is swine flu a reason to discriminate?

In April 18, 2009 all the news were talking about "swine flu" in México. Everyone around the world panicked, and are now scared of "Mexicans" are discriminated against. Also those that have visited México. Their are a lot of questions of the swine flu, some people are even ignorant. Mexicans are not welcome in other countries around the world and are kicked out of the countries. How did this flu changed the life of the Mexicans in other countries and in their every day life? I would say a lot and many different ways. Mexicans even feel bad because of the swine flu. What is the swine flu?
Doctors have defined Swine Influenza (swine flu) as a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza virus that regularly causes outbreaks of influenza in pigs. Swine flu viruses cause high levels of illness and low death rates in pigs. Its also known as CDC H1N1 Flu. Everyone around the world panicked because according to the news this flu was mortal. The Swine flu was found in Mexico city, and now Mexicans are being discriminated against. In some countries Mexicans are even kicked out. According to the news Mexicans are al Qaeda’s target to terrorism. People that discriminate against Mexicans are ignorant because they think Mexicans are going to transmit this swin flu. How did the swine flu changed Mexicans and the whole world every day life?
Mexico paralyze, in order to stop this flu to transmit to others. This swine flu changed Mexico because Mexicans are now more cautious. Everyone in Mexico are to wear cover mouths, carry hand sanitizer and are not to greet others by kiss or to shake hands. Schools in México where closed also restaurants. The swine flu was nominated as an epidemic. The whole world decided to cancel all flights to and from México. Everyone are being cautious to be around anyone that is sick. The whole world panicked and took this against Mexicans. In California a Mexican women was fired just for sneezing. A Mexican soccer team player during a game was called a pig. Chivas a Mexican soccer team was booed in a game. Today if a person sneezes everyone walks away at least 5 feet. This flu changed the whole world dramatically. Should this Epidemic be a reason to discriminate against Mexicans?
I think its a not a reason to discriminate Mexicans because Mexicans do not have fault of this flu. Mexicans are normal people that try to live day by day, work to eat fight to live and should be respected. President Obama visited Mexico why wasn't he discriminated against? Obama after coming back to the U.S. and took a health test, the results were negative. In conclusion Mexicans are discriminated because the swine flu started in Mexico and because some people are ignorant.

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